Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Dems Need to Focus

Here's my unhinged conspiracy theory:
The Democrats don't have very much power at the national level and didn't even in 2009 when they controlled the executive and legislative branches, including 60 senators. Obama and company were only allowed to govern because they were centrists. The deep state, the military industrial complex, and other big business has huge behind the scenes influence on maintaining the status quo.
Democrats seemed to feel that they were getting close to power when large segments of the intelligence community turned against Trump, and by extension the Republicans. Unfortunately, the intelligence community has more power than they have skill and got played by somebody. So the relatively powerless Dems have been chasing a chimera, with the predictable result that they are at each other's throats.
Pelosi would be glad to impeach, in my opinion, if there were grounds for impeachment. The fact that the Russia conspiracy was unfounded reasonably gives her pause in using the Mueller report for that line of action. Meanwhile, Barr and company are preparing the counterattack which will coincide with the 2020 election campaign.
Bernie may be unelectable, but I suggest that the Dems take a page from his book and keep the focus on correcting the major problems afflicting our country. Leave the Clinton emails and the Mueller Report, those bits of information doled out by the intelligence agencies, out of it.

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