Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Church In-Person

 I ran across this anecdote today, which makes me feel more confident in our decision to not yet resume in-person church services:

On June 14, a man with COVID-19 attended a church service in an Ohio County.

Following that service, 91 additional people from five countiese developed symptoms of COVID-19.  This graphic shows how far the disease had spread by July 4.

Among the notable observations, children 6 to 16 years old are in the chain of transmission, passing SARS-CoV-2 infection on to other kids as well as to adults 

See also We Need to Talk About Ventilation:

Super-spreader events occur overwhelmingly in indoor environments where there are a lot of people... But it’s not only COVID-19’s super-spreader events that are indoors. The rest of the pattern of spread of COVID-19 —when it is spreading slowly, in small numbers—is also overwhelmingly through indoor transmission. 

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