Saturday, April 24, 2021

A New Strain of Racism Masking as AntiRacism

History is complicated and replete with injustice, as well as with great acts of kindness and courage by people of all races. Undermining this truth is a virulent new strain of racism masking as AntiRacism.  AntiRacism has become a quasi-religious movement where snake oil peddlers take advantage of well intentioned people, and cults of believers seek to vilify heretics.  Worse, it's actually racist in the sense that it reduces complex social issues to matters of race, promoting prejudice on the basis of skin color.  

A couple of books on the subject:

The first book is a class-based analysis.  Systemic racism is part of a larger class of systemic problems encountered by workers of all races.  It argues that class solidarity is more effective than identity politics in helping victims of systemic oppression.

The second book describes the harmful effects of AntiRacism on the people it purports to help.  By promoting race-based standards for behavior and achievement, proponents of AntiRacism undermine minority cultures.  

As a concrete example, I don't want my black-Filipino grandchildren to be told that they are destined to be victims of a racist society.  Rather, I want them to recognize and be grateful that they live in a wealthy society which legally guarantees equal rights to all races, and they can be successful within this society if they try. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Biden as LBJ

JFK was ousted by the intelli-military complex (IMC™) for opposing the Vietnam War and trying to end the Cold War.  LBJ came in and adopted the IMC line with regard to these affairs of the empire.  Domestically, the establishment, including the IMC, encouraged LBJ to push through a number of civil rights laws and anti-poverty measures.

Similarly, Trump was ousted by the IMC. Unlike Kennedy, however, he was also loathed by a large segment of the general public.  Biden, like LBJ, came to power at the behest of the IMC, and with free reign to be liberal domesically, as long he toes the line with regard to foreign affairs.

LBJ's ascendancy was followed by IMC bungling in foreign wars and domestic politics, which came to light and shattered the confidence of the American public.  Nevertheless, the IMC prevailed and has continued to dominate foreign policy and limit the range of choices in our domestic politics.  The Biden presidency thus represents a continuation of the empire's political modus operandi throughout my lifetime (born in 1952).  

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Steelmanning Democrats & Republicans


I frequently am amazed and dismayed by the attitudes and opinions of others.  How can people be so stupid?, I think.  At times like this, it's good to remember the trick of steelmanning:

Steelmanning is the act of taking a view, or opinion, or argument and constructing the strongest possible version of it. It is the opposite of strawmanning.

We all have mental models of how the world works, and as Sun Tzu said in "The Art of War":

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

It pays to understand one's "enemy".  With that in mind, and in my current status as neither a Democrat nor a Republican, I attempt here to steelman a Biden voter and a Trump voter.

Democrats: The Party of Progress

Democrats appreciate the human traits that have brought us this far -- to a world of unparalleled prosperity and human rights -- but also understand that we will have to change if we are to avoid extinction.

A Biden voter is aware of the tremendous injustice that has been part of human history, and wants to be sure that we maintain and expand the gains we have made in this regard.  Powerful forces including autocrats such as Putin may wish to hold the line on the expansion of human rights, and perhaps even turn back the clock.  Trump's "Make America Great Again" theme threatens to roll back the progress we've made.

In addition, human technology has reached the point that we threaten to destroy our earthly habitat.  Progress in controlling technology is not optional if we are to survive as a species. 

Our opponents have thwarted efforts to deal seriously with these issues.  We need to up our game and show that we can and will overcome the often inhuman or corrupt resistance to progress and sustainability.

Republicans: The Reality Based Party

Republicans appreciate the American traits that have brought us this far -- to a world of unparalleled prosperity and human rights -- but also understand that we must be vigilant in asserting and defending our values. 

A Trump voter is proud to live in a democracy where the majority rules and minority rights are respected.  We value our shared culture as Americans and recognize the need to actively support it.  We are a nation of immigrants, but we have come together to form a new identity, and it is that shared identity which must take precedence if we are to live together in peace and prosperity.  A Trump voter accepts that progress that has been made in human rights in the face of opposition by conservatives, as historic racism is universally acknowledged and segregation no longer promoted.  This acceptance is the objective truth as shown by the public positions of all top Republicans, but is denied by many prominent Democrats.

And the denial of objective truth is now more of a problem with the Democrats than with the Republicans.  I'm amazed to hear myself say this, but this happened when Trump was elected in 2016.  Democrats blamed Trump's victory on an unfounded Russian collusion conspiracy theory, and used loose accusations of racism to divide the country along ethnic and partisan lines. 

This was again clear with the COVID-19 pandemic, where opposition to Trump trumped scientific evidence with regard to the origin of the virus, the efficacy of various treatments, and preventative measures.  Amid a tremendous amount of scientific uncertainty, the Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media were overly certain in disagreeing with whatever the Republicans said.

We've reached the point where the national discourse, led by the Democratic leaning mainstream media, can best be described as social hysteria.  See, for instance, Due Process Is Good, He Said Controversially. 

After (Greenwald's) article about the Matt Gaetz case, trolls and blue checks rolled out an innuendo parade. He was a hypocrite for saying the New York Post’s Hunter Biden expose shouldn’t have been blocked, a “MAGA troll” who defends “40 year-olds who sleep with kids” (the contribution by “antiracism educator” Tim Wise), and a defender of white supremacists who hates women and is himself an ephebophile who groomed his own husband, among many other things.

This was the reaction to an article claiming that more evidence is needed before we pass judgment on sexual misconduct allegations against a Trump supporter.  Similar hysteria is rampant with regard to issues such as trans rights, me too claims, Russian sympathies, etc.  Numerous media figures and educators have lost their jobs for speaking rationally and trying to confront the hysteria.

Many Trump voters recognize the threats of war and global warming, yet feel that damping unwarranted social hysteria should be the priority.  Social hysteria gets in the way of the kind of progress we need.  


As I write this, I recall writing something similar a year ago:  The Democratic Reconquista.  The Democrats have been getting owned by the Republicans for decades (my entire adult life).  They finally decided that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, and have a gone all out with the tactics of Republicans prior to Trump:

      Hysterical overreaction and name calling.

      Accusations of being pawns of the Russians.

      Using the intelligence agencies to smear the opposition.

      etc, etc, etc

The 2020 presidential and senatorial election results may seem to validate the merits of this win at all costs approach.  Now that Biden is in, there are signs that better policies may follow.  The odds of ultimate success will be greatly enhanced if we step back from the xenophobia, identity politics, and social hysteria and consolidate our gains, while recognizing that the "enemy" makes some good points.

Friday, April 02, 2021

Being Woke to the Praetorian Guard


Being Woke to the Praetorian Guard

Praetorian Guard

The Praetorian Guard was an elite unit of the Imperial Roman army whose members served as personal bodyguards and intelligence for Roman emperors…  the first emperor, Augustus, founded the Guard as his personal security detail. Although they continued to serve in this capacity for roughly three centuries, the Guard became notable for its intrigue and interference in Roman politics, to the point of overthrowing emperors and proclaiming their successors.

The Praetorian Guard had the power and ability to spy, using the most advanced tools with an enormous budget, to learn the truth and the secrets and to use any means necessary to "safeguard the realm" from institutions with continuity beyond a single generation.

Being Woke

From the NY Times:

wokeness, itself a freighted term, originally derived and then distorted from the Black vernacular “woke,” which invokes a spirit of vigilance to see the world as it really is. (The experimental novelist William Melvin Kelley may have been the first to introduce “woke” to the mainstream as an adjective, in his 1962 essay on Black idiom, “If You’re Woke You Dig It”)

So being "woke" is understanding that the world may not be how it seems according to the mainstream conventional wisdom.  Noam Chomsky describes a related concept in Manufacturing Consent:

Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media is a 1988 book by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky arguing that the mass communication media of the U.S. "are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion", by means of the propaganda model of communication.[1] The title refers to consent of the governed, and derives from the phrase "the manufacture of consent" used by Walter Lippmann in Public Opinion (1922).[2] The book was honored with the Orwell Award.

I see the United States political elite as being driven from behind the scenes by the CIA and various sister intelligence agencies in much the same manner as the Praetorian Guard controlled the very top ranks of the Roman Empire.


       Missle Gap

       Cold war assassinations and coups

       JFK Assassination

       Vietnam War

       MLK Assassination

       RFK Assassination


       Iranian Revolution and Reagan Presidency

       Roy Cohn and Jeffrey Epstein

       Iran-Contrar Affair

       Iraq 2003 War

       Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations

       Skripal Affair

       Trump's First Impeachment

       Wars in Syria and Afghanistan

Beyond the Bullets

Mainstream media on Republicans and Democrats:

In my understanding, there is quite a bit of similarity in what Trump is doing this year to what Hillary did in 2016-2019.  Here's Matt Taibbi:

Do I personally believe the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump? No. However, I also didn’t believe the election was stolen from Hillary Clinton in 2016, when the Internet was bursting at the seams with conspiracy theories nearly identical to the ones now being propagated by Trump fans...

Unrestrained speculation about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election had a major impact on the public. Surveys showed 50 percent of Clinton voters by December of 2016 believed the Russians actually hacked vote tallies in states, something no official agency ever alleged even at the peak of the Russiagate madness. Two years later, one in three Americans believed a foreign power would change vote tallies in the 2018 midterm elections...  

What makes the current situation particularly grotesque is that the DNI warning about this summer stated plainly that a major goal of foreign disruptors was to “undermine the public’s confidence in the Democratic process” by “calling into question the validity of the election results.”

 Our own domestic intelligence agencies have been doing exactly that for years now. On nearly a daily basis in the leadup to this past Election Day, they were issuing warnings in the corporate press that you might have reason to mistrust the coming results: ...

In fact, go back across the last four years and you’ll find a consistent feature of warnings about foreign or domestic “disinformation”: the stern scare quote from a bona fide All-Star ex-spook or State official, from Clint Watts to Victoria Nuland to Frank Figliuzzi to John Brennan to McMullan’s former boss and buddy, ex-CIA chief Michael Hayden. A great many of these figures are now paid contributors to major corporate news organizations.

What do we think the storylines would be right now if Trump had won? What would those aforementioned figures be saying on channels like MSNBC and CNN, about what would they be speculating? Does anyone for a moment imagine that YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook would block efforts from those people to raise doubts about that hypothetical election result?

We know the answer to that question, because all of those actors spent the last four years questioning the legitimacy of Trump’s election without any repercussions. The Atlantic, quoting the likes of Hayden, ran a piece weeks after Trump’s election arguing that it was the duty of members of the Electoral College to defy voters and elect Hillary Clinton on national security grounds. Mass protests were held to disrupt the Electoral College vote in late December 2016, and YouTube cheerfully broadcast videos from those events. When Electoral vote tallies were finally read out in congress, ironically by Joe Biden, House members from at least six states balked, with people like Barbara Lee objecting on the grounds of “overwhelming evidence of Russian interference in our election.”

In sum, it’s okay to stoke public paranoia, encourage voters to protest legal election results, spread conspiracy theories about stolen elections, refuse to endorse legal election tallies, and even to file lawsuits challenging the validity of presidential results (Judge tosses DNC’s election-hacking lawsuit against Russia, WikiLeaks, and the Trump campaign), so long as all of this activity is sanctified by officials in the right party, or by intelligence vets, or by friendlies at CNN, NBC, the New York Times, etc.

Here we see the intelligence community's influence on domestic politics extends beyond issues of national security to derivative questions about the legitimacy of our democratic processes and elected officials.


As wrote 2 years ago in The Intelligence Community Tells Us What's Happening:

The United States has by far the biggest intelligence budget of any country in the world.  The annual budget is about $70 billion dollars, with 70% of this going to defense industry contractors.  The overall defense budget is about $700 billion dollars per year.  By comparison, Russia spends about $60 billion per year on defense as a whole, less than one tenth what the United States spends.  The United States spends more on intelligence alone than Russia spends on its entire military.

It would be naive to believe that all this money is neutral with regard to politics, or that amoral actors in the United States and elsewhere in our sprawling global empire do not attempt to manipulate the public discourse and political decisions.  It would be naive to believe the mainstream media is beyond this influence of this money and the secret information gathered using tools available only intelligence agencies and laws exempting these agencies from accountability.

On Republicans


On Republicans


This paper is inspired by reflections on What is Happening to the Republicans?, by Jelani Cobb in The New Yorker, March 8, 2021.

The thesis of the long article is that the Republicans may cease to be a major political force in the United States in the not so distant future because of their attachment to the white racial heritage of the country.  Support for this is provided by way of historical analogy to the Whigs in the 19th century who failed to make a clear stand against slavery, and subsequently were eclipsed by the newly formed Republicans.  The lesson, according to Cobb, is that to be on the wrong side of the race issue, if not downright racist, is to be on the road to oblivion.

I have the following reactions:

1.     Cobb's analogy of the racial issues of the two time frames, the 1850s and the present time, is interesting but ignores the enormous changes that have taken place in U.S. society in this regard.

2.     Cobb's assessment of current Republican "kookiness" fails to account for the overall irrationality of the current conventional wisdom for which Cobb is a spokesman.

3.     Cobb fails to consider the evolution of the Republican party in recent decades as the primary advocate for the U.S. led global empire, and also fails to note that the Democrats have taken over that role as of the Trump presidency.

4.     Cobb does not consider the role of amoral power in determining the success or failure of political parties. 

In this paper, I hope to supplement Cobb's discussion of the Republican party by adding context which he did not consider, as itemized above.

Race in America

Racial issues in the 1850s included:

       Should whites be allowed to own blacks?

       Should the United States claim God-given manifest destiny over the continental United States, including the remaiininng areas occupied by "heathens"?

Beginning in the 1950s, we see by way of contrast:

       Civil rights legislation guaranteeing more equal rights for all races.  Efforts going beyond equality to address past inequality through mechanisms such as affirmative action and diversity training.  Both major parties have had numerous non-white candidates and elected officials.

       The U.S. becoming the world's sole superpower, establishing 800 military bases outside of the United States, overthrowing governments and starting wars to enforce American political values, and enforcing American economic values via trade agreements, international financial pressure, etc.

The differences are stark.  The red v blue state differences, while superficially a continuation of the black and white era of legalized slavery, have evolved as follows:

       traditional versus modern values

       hierarchical versus meritocratic values

       patriotic versus humanist values

As a humanist, I am firmly on the blue side of these issues.  But these are much more nuanced than the case Cobb makes that the Republicans are irrevocably tied to a return to white racial supremacy. 

Immigrants to the U.S. are generally considered to be racially different, yet over time may become "white".  We see this even with dark skinned immigrants such as Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley who have become governors of red states.  The case is even clearer with Hispanic and Arab immigrants who may be quite light skinned to begin with.  Many, if not most, immigrants come to the U.S. for economic reasons, while still preferring traditional values.  Once American citizens, they are likely to become patriotic.

Republicans, representing red state values, will not have trouble finding hypocrisy and corruption among the Democrats representing blue state values.  Democrats will likewise seek to publicize and exploits the weaknesses in Republican values and representatives.  This is generally healthy as no party should be above criticism.

Republicans may fail to adapt to our status as a global empire encompassing numerous people of all races, but the lesson of the Trump era does not support this.  Trump's administration included representatives of all races, and he actually improved his support among blacks and Latinos in 2020 as compared to 2016.  Overt racism is taboo in the United States (thankfully), and Republicans have had to come to terms with this.

Rationality in America

Cobb describes Republicans under Trump as "kooks".  In this, he repeats the conventional wisdom without providing much supporting documentation or analysis:

The most widely debated political question of the moment is: What is happening to the Republicans? One answer is that the Party’s predicament might fairly be called the revenge of “the kooks”...   during a Presidential debate, a sitting Commander-in-Chief gave a knowing shout-out to the Proud Boys, a far-right hate group; he also refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, and subsequently attempted to strong-arm the Georgia secretary of state into falsifying election returns; he and other Republican officials filed more than sixty lawsuits in an effort to overturn the results of the election; he incited the insurrectionists who overran the Capitol and demanded the lynching of, among others, the Republican Vice-President; and he was impeached, for the second time, then acquitted by Senate Republicans fearful of a base that remains in his thrall.

These are damning charges but do not stand up to scrutiny, in my opinion, as representing serious threats to democracy, especially in comparison to the CIA/FBI aided efforts of Democratic affiliated politicians:


       Adam Schiff, Democratic leader of the House Intelligence Committee, has passed along false intelligence reports for years regarding Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.  See also: Master List Of Official Russia Claims That Proved To Be Bogus

       HIllary Clinton accused Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian asset because Gabbard disagreed with the intelligence community regarding events in Syria.

       Black Lives Matters supporters engaged in many violent acts for months on end, while being described as mostly non-violent protestors. 

       In contrast, the Republicans who overran the capitol were unarmed and mostly non-violent but falsely accused of acts of violence. See also: As the Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling to it More Desperately Than Ever

       Trump's first impeachment was instigated by a CIA agent and former Biden assistant who disagreed with Trump's policy with regard to the Ukraine.  This was never disclosed to the public, and the impeachment was falsely portrayed as being instigated by a CIA whistleblower as opposed to a CIA insider.

       Democrats were unwilling to accept the legitimacy of the 2016 presidential election and have been trying to sow the seeds of distrust in the system ever since

Unrestrained speculation about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election had a major impact on the public. Surveys showed 50 percent of Clinton voters by December of 2016 believed the Russians actually hacked vote tallies in states, something no official agency ever alleged even at the peak of the Russiagate madness. Two years later, one in three Americans believed a foreign power would change vote tallies in the 2018 midterm elections...  Unrestrained speculation about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election had a major impact on the public. Surveys showed 50 percent of Clinton voters by December of 2016 believed the Russians actually hacked vote tallies in states, something no official agency ever alleged even at the peak of the Russiagate madness. Two years later, one in three Americans believed a foreign power would change vote tallies in the 2018 midterm elections...

What makes the current situation particularly grotesque is that the DNI warning about this summer stated plainly that a major goal of foreign disruptors was to “undermine the public’s confidence in the Democratic process” by “calling into question the validity of the election results.”


Our own domestic intelligence agencies have been doing exactly that for years now. On nearly a daily basis in the leadup to this past Election Day, they were issuing warnings in the corporate press that you might have reason to mistrust the coming results: ...


None of the links above are from news outlets or writers who support Trump.  On the contrary, they are all anti-Trump. 

In my view, the Republicans have long been the more irrational and corrupt party.  However, in recent years, the Democrats and supporting mainstream media outlets have matched them in this regard.

Evolution of the Republican Party

Cobb describes the Republican turn toward its current incarnation as an all white party on the road to oblivion as beginning with Goldwater in the early 1960s:

Richard Nixon, the former Vice-President, who had received substantial Black support in his 1960 Presidential bid, against John F. Kennedy, told a reporter for Ebony that “if Goldwater wins his fight, our party would eventually become the first major all-white political party.” The Chicago Defender, the premier Black newspaper of the era, concurred, stating bluntly that the G.O.P. was en route to becoming a “white man’s party.”

Goldwater’s crusade failed in November of 1964, when the incumbent, Lyndon Johnson, who had become President a year earlier, after Kennedy’s assassination, won in a landslide: four hundred and eighty-six to fifty-two votes in the Electoral College. Nevertheless, Goldwater’s ascent was a harbinger of the future shape of the Republican Party. He represented an emerging nexus between white conservatives in the West and in the South, where five states voted for him over Johnson.

The context here is that Nixon foresees the coming realignment of the political parties along racial lines, and that LBJ merely delayed this realignment.  However, the truth is that LBJ and Nixon were tools of Allen Dulles and the military-intelligence complex.  The racial revolution supported by Kennedy was allowed to proceed, but the empire's needs as defined initially by the Cold War, but ultimately a matter of naked power, took precedence behind the scenes.

This story begins in 1947: 

The political relationship forged between the rising politician from California and Dulles’s East Coast circle would become one of the most significant partnerships of the postwar era. Nixon grew into a potent political weapon for the Dulles group, a cunning operator who managed to accrue solidly conservative credentials with the Republican Party’s popular base while dependably serving the interests of the GOP’s privileged leadership class. Together, the Dulles circle and Richard Nixon would bring about a sharp, rightward shift in the nation’s politics, driving out the surviving elements of the New Deal regime in Washington and establishing a new ruling order that was much more in tune with the Dulles circle’s financial interests. The Dulles-Nixon alliance proved masterful at exploiting the Cold War panic that gripped the nation, using it to root out Rooseveltian true believers from government, along with a few genuine Communist infiltrators who posed a marginal threat to national security. When Washington’s anti-Communist witch hunt raged out of control and threatened to consume even those who had lit the flame, Nixon again proved of great use to Dulles, working with him to keep the inferno within safe boundaries. In return for his services, Nixon won the patronage of the kingmakers in the Dulles circle, ensuring the politician’s steady rise toward Washington’s top throne.

Kennedy interrupted the military-intelligence complex rule from behind the scenes, but was soon displaced by Johnson:

JFK had put Johnson on his 1960 ticket to win votes in the South. But, as the 1964 campaign approached, LBJ had lost so much clout below the Mason-Dixon Line—largely because of his subservient role in Kennedy’s liberal, pro–civil rights presidency—that he couldn’t even be counted on to deliver his home state…  Rauh, a stalwart of the Democratic Party’s left wing, said, “Lyndon must know he is through. Bobby is going to be the next president.” …  The Kennedys had turned the swaggering Johnson into a useless figure… the president privately confirmed that Johnson would not be on the (1964) ticket… Dick Nixon, who had weathered his own “dump Nixon” movement as Eisenhower’s 1956 reelection campaign drew near, was keenly attuned to Johnson’s growing humiliation… 

Lyndon Johnson’s days might have been numbered as vice president, but he was not entirely abandoned in Washington. If LBJ was rapidly losing favor within the Kennedy administration, he had managed to retain the support of many key figures in the national security arena. Johnson had long been the dominant political figure in a state with a booming defense and aerospace industry, and he had long cultivated ties to generals and espionage officials…  Despite the White House rebuff, LBJ continued to enjoy a special bond with national security hard-liners during Kennedy’s reign, often embracing their aggressive positions on Cuba and other hot spots, as well as leaking inside information about White House policy developments to his contacts at the Pentagon and CIA.

Dulles was among those who maintained warm relations with the vice president, even as both men’s stars fell within the Kennedy court.


The final version of NSAM 273, signed by Johnson on November 26 (4 days after the Kennedy assassination in 1963)... is unmistakable...  this change effectively provided new authority for U.S.–directed combat actions against North Vietnam. Planning for these actions began therewith, and we now know that an OPLAN 34A raid in August 1964 provoked the North Vietnamese retaliation against the destroyer Maddox, which became the first Gulf of Tonkin incident. And this in turn led to the confused incident a few nights later aboard the Turner Joy, to reports that it too had been attacked, and to Johnson’s overnight decision to seek congressional support for “retaliation” against North Vietnam. From this, of course, the larger war then flowed.

Add this context to Cobb's story of the Republican turn to the white south initiated by Goldwater and carried through by Nixon, and we get a more complete modern history of the Republican party.  Nixon not only implemented the north-south political/racial realignment, but he also cemented the Republican alliance with the military-intelligency complex which JFK had briefly interrupted.  

LBJ and Nixon foreshadow a blending of the parties along the lines of empire, with the Republicans in the dominant position.  Just as "centrists" came together to defeat McGovern in 1972, "centrists" came together to defeat Trump in 2020.  While the cultural issue of race has by far surpassed the issues of empire in distinguishing the two political parties from 1972-2020, issues of empire have circumscribed the allowable debate and have also given the Republicans an advantage over this time period due to the behind the scenes influence of the military-intelligence complex.

From the heyday of the Dulles brothers in the Eisenhower administration, through the Bush presidencies, the Republican strategy has been synonymous with support for the military and intelligencies agencies and foreign adventures.  Only with the Trump presidency did the Democrats manage to turn this around and define the Democrats as the party of empire.  This represents a major break from the previous 64 years.

Key to understanding the behind the scenes influence of the military-industrial complex is understanding the degree to which they control the mainstream narrative on many issues, including who should be the ultimate authorities and arbiters of power. 

Amoral Power

Cobb looks at Republican prospects through the lens of democracy, which is of course appropriate for a major political party in a nominal democracy.  But, realistically, issues of non-democratic power must also be considered.  I've previously written about the importance of Being Woke to the Praetorian Guard.  Cobb is seemingly oblivious to the manner in which our political parties are manipulated by actors who care little about race, but rather are mainly interested in power, and may be playing various race cards as a means to power.  

Democracy is a difficult business, but a core value for many of us.  We can best promote democracy by not only supporting those whose values we share, but also by fighting those forces aligned against democracy, such as those who spread lies on behalf of the intelligence agencies and related political operatives. The Republican party may go the way of the Whigs, or they may adapt in order to maintain a share of power.  We live in a global empire inhabited by powerful people of all races, and both Republicans and Democrats are keenly aware of this.  Thus, for example, Democrats align with Ukrainians against Russians, while Republicans align themselves with dissident Chinese against the Chinese government.  Race is of low relative importance in such considerations of international values, power, and the effects on domestic politics.

Revisiting Our Democracy in Light of Russiagate

  Overview of Russiagate Issues My understanding is that many people are deeply misinformed about the extent to which Russia interfered with...