Saturday, April 24, 2021

A New Strain of Racism Masking as AntiRacism

History is complicated and replete with injustice, as well as with great acts of kindness and courage by people of all races. Undermining this truth is a virulent new strain of racism masking as AntiRacism.  AntiRacism has become a quasi-religious movement where snake oil peddlers take advantage of well intentioned people, and cults of believers seek to vilify heretics.  Worse, it's actually racist in the sense that it reduces complex social issues to matters of race, promoting prejudice on the basis of skin color.  

A couple of books on the subject:

The first book is a class-based analysis.  Systemic racism is part of a larger class of systemic problems encountered by workers of all races.  It argues that class solidarity is more effective than identity politics in helping victims of systemic oppression.

The second book describes the harmful effects of AntiRacism on the people it purports to help.  By promoting race-based standards for behavior and achievement, proponents of AntiRacism undermine minority cultures.  

As a concrete example, I don't want my black-Filipino grandchildren to be told that they are destined to be victims of a racist society.  Rather, I want them to recognize and be grateful that they live in a wealthy society which legally guarantees equal rights to all races, and they can be successful within this society if they try. 


Anonymous said...

In your post, which I mostly agree with, you tacitly accept the premise that this ideology is *actually intended* to help minorities. Unfortunately not the case

Brother Willy said...

This is a great message, Br. Dan. It's opened up a fresh window for me. Enhancing my awareness of such challenging cultural situations that currently surround us all ...

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