Sunday, May 21, 2023

Classic Literature is Relevant

 We are living through times that bring to life classics such as these:

  • The Scarlet Letter
  • The Lottery
  • The New Testament
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • The Emperor's New Clothes
  • The Crucible
  • Catch 22
See Durham, FBI Whistleblowers, and "The Great Loyalty Oath Crusade" (pay walled but I can forward text upon request to  Excerpt:

The whole New Testament is about Captain Black, because the whole New Testament suggests that the reigning religion of Jerusalem has become hidebound and bureaucratic, and the priests are serving themselves. And then along comes this revolutionary Jesus who says, “Hey man. You’ve forgotten the spirit of your faith in the name of all of these requirements.” So whatever side of the New Testament you’re on, whether you’re a Jew or a Christian, I don’t know. But that’s the spirit of that book, which is anti-bureaucratic…

I highly recommend the whole article linked above.  It reflects my deepest beliefs.  Human nature does seem to be such that societies come to absurdity at moments in history like the present.  American, Russian, Judean -- it occurs repeatedly in different times and places.  I've learned to accept this and try to deal with it constructively, which means occasionally sharing my thoughts with those I love the most. 

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